Ghostrunner ps5 download
Ghostrunner ps5 download

ghostrunner ps5 download

Then in the cyberspace levels if you turn on RT reflections almost all of the ground becomes non-reflective, I said almost because some parts of teh ground will have RT reflections. I am specifically talking about the glass on the hacking terminals here (that look exactly the same in every level), but there are also other objects that for no good reason only have screen space reflections instead of raytracing reflections. there are objects in this game that have RT reflections in one level, but only have screen space reflections a level later. This game is so unpolished that they didn't even properly flag every surface for RT reflections. and using a game like that to infer anything about any system on the market is simply stupidity. So every version sucks, some suck in one way, other suck in other ways.Įxplain how the PC version has levels where the framerate gets cut in half every time you turn the camera, literally going from 180fps down to ~90fps for me with raytracing off, and from ~70fps down to ~40fps with RT on. A 10.6 tflops 6600xt should never outperform a 13 tflops 6700xt. I really hope DF uses these games as an opportunity to dig deep into a discussion about whether or not these consoles with the same rdna 2.0 architectures are really substantially different because otherwise results like this no matter how rare simply don’t make much sense. You shouldn’t need to code to the metal to get better performance out of Xbox.ĭo we know if the engine simply favors the ps APIs? Did the ps4 pro version of out perform the x1x? Maybe this is on the devs but both consoles are using rdna 2 GPUs, it should just run better. Xsx Games are consistently outperforming the ps5 but then we get games like this. Microsoft did have to admit this was a problem back at launch but It’s been a year and DF needs to call up MS again. This is something DF needs to ask Microsoft. Your 3060 ti should be way better than just 4K 60 FPS seeing as how the xsx is 4K 50 in rt mode.

ghostrunner ps5 download

While the xsx is equivalent to a 2080 in standard rasterization, it is only equivalent to a 2060 super in rt due.

Ghostrunner ps5 download